Mindset Masterclass Workshops


Empower your employees, group or team to reach their true potential

Through our business workshops. Coaching fosters meaningful connections within your team, leading to increased talent retention, improved relationships, and enhanced productivity. Our mindset mentors help businesses prosper by addressing individual team needs, optimizing performance, and streamlining productivity.

All workshops are fun and informative so interaction is high on the agenda. We provide realistic strategies to help give people the skills to overcome any work and life related problems.

Book online session below 

If you prefer to arrange a workshop in person, please click the "Discovery Call" button to schedule a call where we can discuss the details and logistics of setting up an in-person workshop.

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    Book Online Workshop

    Mindset mentor workshop

    100.00 GBP

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    Thinking About Thinking

    Online Workshop

    100.00 GBP

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    Mastering Your Stress

    Practical Tools for Modern living workshop with mindset mentor

    100.00 GBP

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    Powerful Habits for Lasting Transformation

    Powerful Habits for Lasting Transformation with Christian hoyle. Online workshop

    100.00 GBP

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    Ignite Belief and Achieve the Impossible

    Ignite Belief and Achieve the Impossible with Christian Hoyle online workshop.

    100.00 GBP

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    Unlock the best in your people, by aligning their passions and core values with their professional goals.

    Keep employees engaged and satisfied by providing meaningful support that fosters growth and development

    Maintain a switched-on team culture based on community, belonging, and
    trust, encouraging honest conversations and continuous improvement

    ✅ Experience the perfect fusion of personal and professional growth. Sanctus Coaching seamlessly integrates personal development with proactive mental wellbeing support.

    ✅ Liberate Managers & HR from time constraints. Offer employees expert, confidential assistance.

    ✅ Empower personal evolution. Coaching yields tangible improvements in performance and skillsets.

    ✅ Elevate your support to distinguish your brand. Enhance employer reputation, engagement, and retention rates